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NUTS & PUGS Tournament Tips
#1 – Early in a tournament try and speculate as much as possible. This is the time of the tournament when the bad players are giving away their chips and you want to be the one trying to get them rather than letting someone else take them. By speculating that means calling raises or limping in with hands like pocket pairs, suited connectors, suited A-x and suited K-x.
#2 – Avoid playing big pots early. The only time you should play a big pot early in a tournament is when you know you have the best of it. Keep the pots small by making small bets and playing a bit more passively with your marginal holdings.
#3 – Don't let yourself get so short that a raise/shove from you has no meaning. Many players make the mistake of blinding/anteing down until they have 3-5 big blinds and then complain about how unlucky they are when their pocket aces are cracked by 9-7 off when they open shoved for four big blinds and the big stack called their measly little raise. By making sure your stack is large enough, you can get marginal hands to fold and when you do double up, you're not necessarily in the same position you were before... a short stack with one move.
#4 – Blinds go up, start opening up your game and attacking players who are survival minded. You can tell who these players are... the ones who fold their big blind every time or who fold any time they face adverse pressure. Identify these players and raise their blinds and re-raise them when they raise.
#5 – Play tight early, loose late. Position is such an important part of tournament poker; the later you act, the more information you have available to you; the more information you have, the better informed you are to make decisions. As such, you should play fewer hands in early position and more hands in later position.
#6 – Observe your opponents carefully. A key part to tournament poker is identifying a player’s tendencies.
•   When they raise from the button, is this a play they make all the time or never? If it's a common play, they are more than likely stealing and you can make a move on them. If it's not something they do often, they probably have a big hand and you should fold.
•   Do they only limp in with hands like small pairs and suited connectors but raise with bigger pairs and Ace King? Raise their limps big since you know their range and can make it difficult for them. Call their raises with speculative hands since you know that you can win a big pot if you hit.
Being able to identify how players play certain hands can be the single most important thing you do in a tournament
CONGRATULAT IONS, these are the qualifiers for Sunday the 15th December WPP/AUSSIE MILLIONS GRAND FINAL, playing for $25K Seats, cash WPP trophy & stunning bracelet GOOD LUCK
Aaron Brennan
Aaron Rowe
Abel Campbell
Adam Abbas
Adam Cooper
Adam Farmer
Adam Finlayson
Adam Lawry
Adam Robb
Adem Kakraman
Adem Ramadan
Adrian Brincat
Adrian digirdamo
Adrian Morelli
Adrian Seet
Adrian Zulian
Afa Lepaio
Ahmed Rafei
Alan King
Alan Mizzi
Alex Banare
Alex George
Alex Jalloul
Alex Kalafitis
Amanda Arthur
Amanda Bailey
Amanda Paiva
Amber Katsipis
Ambre Manifold
Amela Davie
Amie Bailey
Andrew Bracka
Andrew Brown
Andrew David
Andrew Mcdiarmid
Andrew Neal
Andrew Phonig
Andrew Smith
Andrew Thornton
Andy Trieu
Angela Italiano
Angelo Atzeri
Angelo Ferraro
Angelo Giannetta
Anita Eski
Ann Gatehouse
Anne Cooke
Anne Rodgers
Anthony Cataldo
Anthony Epifanio
Anthony Findikakis
Anthony Kors
Anthony Little
Anthony Lomani
Anthony Mammone
Arben Elezi
Ardi Agolli
Ariel Joffre
Aries Galle
Arnold Bathan
Arthur Kolodziejczuk
Ash Jobe
Atu Sipu
Aun Lim
Auran Lazor
Averley Carroll
Barry Faulds
Barry Hancock
Beau Caroll
Beau Lovett
Becs Sculli
Bede Mckenna
Ben Breen
Ben Charelton
Ben Di Marco
Ben Harder
Ben Jackson
Ben Lardner
Ben Schraven
Ben Tesselaar
Ben Winther
Benedict Pace
Benjamin Bick
Bianca Kemp
Bianca-Lee Byrne
Bill Bauld
Bill El Kurdi
Bill Famelos
Bill Law
Bill Pargas
Billy Broadbent
Billy Kantizidis
Boden Ebery
Boris Nackovski
Brad Cumming
Brad Grady
Brad Jones
Brad Klaaysen
Brad Slater
Brandan Nathan
Brandon Brown
Brayan Bejue
Brendan Garcia
Brendan Micheals
Brendan Robbins
Brent Heath
Brett Bowman
Brett Mcdonald
Brett Mcgrath
Brett Perkins
Brett Shipp
Brian Hyland
Brian Mannes
Brooke Lawry
Bruce Wellington
Bruno Panetta
Bryan Cook
Bryan Meddings
Bryce Nystrom
C.J Siosa
Caitlan Russell
Callum Bradshaw
Cameron Morris
Candy Shadrock
Carl Ashford
Carl Barnard
Carlos Hernandez
Carmen Wills
Carole King
Cassy Smith
Cathy Teki
Chad Baker
Chan Sok
Chandara Prum
Charles Vella
Charlie Barber
Charlie Borg
Charlie Maglogiannis
Charlie Pappalardo
Charlie Saraceno
Chico Akatapuria
Chinh Pham
Chris Addis
Chris Davie
Chris Janezic
Chris Kakilis
Chris Scully
Chris Solomon
Chris Varellas
Christian Lomani
Christine Coleman
Christine Murry
Christopher Kops
Chung Ho
Cindy Taylah
Clare Ferguson
Clayton Phillips
Cliff Offerman
Clint Bradshaw
Clive Jones
Colin Downer
Colin Lovett
Colin Pierce
Colin Thomas
Colin Trahair
Colleen Gunn
Con Coustenis
Con Sgouropolous
Connie Kalamaras
Connie Nicola
Corey German
Corey Mayne
Corin Renisch
Cory Young
Craig Archman
Craig Beckett
Craig Brown
Craig Housten
Craig Ohare
Craig Waters
Damian Compton
Damian Stead
Damien Dorazio
Damien Farquhas
Damien Korp
Damien Stead
Damien Webb
Daniel Clemment
Daniel Ferlazzo
Daniel Janceski
Daniel Katsipis
Daniel Rohr
Daniel Romeril
Daniel Scholes
Daniel Struharik
Daniel Tua
Daniel Wells
Daniel Zalic
Danilo Djurovic
Danni Borg
Darren Crgmeister
Darren Melia
Darren Morrow
Darren Seisun
Darren Watts
Darryl Lapthorne
Daryl Listro
Dave Angus
Dave Arrell
Dave Hocking
David Bairstow
David Bowyer
David Chianese
David Edwards
David Hang
David Jordan
David Lehmann
David Liew
David Lynch
David Paul
David Saric
David Scholes
David Sokolov
David Williams
Dawn Norquay
Dean Borg
Dean Henderson
Dean Macdonald
Dean Vale
Deb Bennett
Deb Downey
Debbie Kostovski
Debra Aisbett
Declan Otten
Decoda Cook
Dejan Erkic
Denise Derrick
Derek Bainbridge
Dignus Kamoen
Dom Vitale
Domenic Arcoleo
Domenic Italiano
Dominic Hereaka
Don Marchionno
Donita Dennis
Donna Harrison
Donna Moore
Doug Roberts
Doug Wangman
Doug Zacharias
Douglas Frogley
Dragan Akarporic
Dragon Antalovic
Durak Ozdamir
Durmas Sagir
Dylan Fisher
Dyson Stevens
Eazy Armstrong
Eddie Couglan
Edward Burgess
Elizabeth Watson
Eric Kaya
Eric Lamb
Eric Van Jager
Erika Steel
Erin Ellul
Eugene Inia
Evan Norquay
Eve Martin
Fabian Ardis
Fadel Bniamen
Fadi Sadi
Fahad Wahib
Farhad Loftjam
Ferris Heroy
Fioana Walker
Francis Fusca
Francis Ippolito
Francis Ippolito
Frank Anderson
Frank Barro
Frank Ceccone
Frank Ellis
Frank Funari
Frank Jones
Frank Murphy
Frank Zamerian
Frans Koomen
Fred Attard
Fred Mickinley
Freddy Marinovich
Gary Ryan
Gary Williams
Gary Wong
Geoff Stepnell
George Iramiam
George Krol
George Kyrou
George Loukides
George Mandalas
George Mourkakos
George Sipu
George Spiliotis
George Zaicos
Georgios Kurubilis
Gerad Bromley
Gia Ngo
Gillian Beckman
Giuseppe Biviano
Giuseppe Biviano
Glen Holland
Glen Palekis
Glenn Heath
Glenn Reynolds
Gokhan Ozcan
Goran Nikolic
Gordon Tonkies
Gorgi Markovski
Graham Baldwin
Graham Deppler
Grant Ribaux
Greame Sharp
Greg Lalor
Gus Barbar
Gus Strangis
Haeta Mcdonald
Haley Briggs
Harley Ngaau
Harley Scheffer
Henning Shalback
Holly Dehavillawd
Hung Huynh
Huong Nguyen
Hutm Win
Huy Cao
Ian Baines
Ian Guzzardi
Ifoni Tulimaiau
Illia Tasevski
Illias Niciolaidis
Irfan Sagir
Isabelle Sarjbet
Ishan Sagir
Ivan Dulic
Ivan Mercieca
Ivan Ognjenovic
Ivica Jurcevic
Jacinta Lardner
Jack Elzabek
Jack Ferguson
Jack Travers
Jack Walsh
Jackson Clarkson
Jake Dohnt
Jake Stuckey
Jake Thomas
James Blanks
James Bonnici
James Daniel
James Holborn
James Spiteri
James Wellington
Jamie Emmanual
Jamie Lay
Jamie Micheal
Jamie Reed
Jamisen Auld
Jan Boyle
Janos Angyasy
Jarrod Hobson
Jasmine B lack
Jason Aldridge
Jason Cary
Jason Castle
Jason Furborough
Jason Iapozzuto
Jason Kurzke
Jason Richard
Jason Ridgway
Jason Smart
Javier Luppino
Jayden Schwarze
Jayden Wright
Jaye Price
Jaz Krooner
Jeanette Mcivor
Jeff Boyle
Jeff Graham
Jeff Springfield
Jeffery Daniels
Jenni Danby
Jermaine Wilson
Jerome Koulouris
Jess Clark
Jessica Castuera
Jessica Dimauro
Jessica Mccoll
Jim Grujevski
Jim James
Jim James
Jim Kondiaris
Jim Osborne
Jim Rain
Jim Xenis
Jimmy McGill
Jimmy Sarellas
Jimmy Trifanovski
Jodie Mobbs
Jody Wright
Joe Abbas
Joe Attardi
Joe Carbone
Joe Forte
Joe Fusca
Joe Jutrisa
Joe Kati
Joe Montebello
Joe Moshy
Joe Pantoro
Joe Sheppard
Joe Tay
Joe Zammit
Joel Ford
Joel Gibben
Joey Grech
Johan Legallant
John Bailey
John Cuevas
John Davey
John Dempsey
John Dempsey
John Galev
John Goodman
John Goodrope
John Guzzardi
John Hill
John Konstantinakos
John Lipert
John Massouris
John Massouris
John Meldrum
John Mitchell
John Montalto
John Moukakos
John Murry
John Payne
John Ryan
John Toatoa
John Toth
John Wlodozyk
John Yanni
Johnathan Pavlidis
Johnny Kong
Jon Farmer
Jordan Camilleri
Jordan Ormerod
Jorge Antunes
Jorge Banov
Josh Clancy
Josh Cochrane
Josh Dickson
Josh Hinge
Josh Smith
Josh Sutton
Joshua Pittonno
Joy Gunn
Julian Hodgson
June Hicks
Junior Afoa
Junior Lam
Justin Cassar
Justin Dean
Justin Gholts
Justin Hetherton
Justin Lehmann
Justin Ristevski
Justin Wilson
Kaine Fulton
Kala Perry
Karen Baums
Karim Langer
Karsten Heussner
Kate Darcy
Kate Taylor
Keanu Vanags
Keanue Romao
Ken Cannings
Ken Chan
Kenneth Glenndenning
Kevin Holden
Kian Tchong
Kire Todorovski
Kiriana Nepson
Kirk Darkas
Kirsten Atkins
Kris Molina
Krissy Ristic
Kristian Dinatale
Kristina Provci
Kristy Mcgill
Kyle Bamblett
Kylie Stevenson
Kyrie Vaeila
Laura La Serra
Laurie Gasper
Lavinea Ramsay
Lawrence Cauchi
Le Duong
Leanne Niven
Lee Grech
Lee Vanderfeer
Leigh Brown
Leigh Clark
Les Constantinou
Levinea Ramsey
Lindsay Mattherson
Lino Espositto
Lionel Faletau
Lisa Kenshole
Lisa Meldrum
Liz Arnaud
Liz Deering
Liz Watson
Lofi Sagaga
Lola Elzabek
Lorenzo Carbone
Louis Alevizos
Louise Arnoud
Louise-Amber Heaslip
Louse Grant
Luben Trakovski
Luigi Palmas
Luigi Spinosa
Luis Santana
Luke Adams
Luke Kelly
Luke Miranda
Luke Morrison
Luke Tyne
Lyben Trajovski
Lyben Tranoski
Lyon Dsouza
Maggie Main
Mahmut Engin
Mai Nguyen
Mana Areallti
Manos Kikas
Marc Piotrovski
Marc Shlonga Turner
Marcus Carl
Marcus Papamanos
Maria Augusti
Maria Budinieh
Maria Mahmood
Marijah Tarmik
Mario Gerolomou
Mario Selimoski
Mark Breen
Mark Harwood
Mark Lau
Mark Mcquinn
Mark Nicholls
Mark Piotrowski
Mark Steward
Mark Thorne
Marten Benjamin
Martin Somic
Marty McNamara
Martyn Dennis
Mathew Leadbetter
Matt Arthur
Matt Daniels
Matt Mcdonald
Matt Mobbs
Matt Morgan
Matt Revere
Matt Scully
Matt Sultana
Matt Vella
Matthew Derbass
Matthew Fraser
Matthew Sgouropoulos
Max la Serra
Max Lewis
Megan Kors
Megan Smith
Mehmet Balci
Mel Elliott
Mel Hutton
Michael Donofrio
Michael Haralambopoulos
Michael Howes
Michael Loche
Michael Nicholls
Michael Pittorino
Michael Rapa
Michael Reardon
Michael Solima
Michael Stephenson
Michael Terzi
Michael Watts
Michael Zacharias
Micheal Baker
Micheal Chammer
Micheal Donofrio
Micheal Edwards
Micheal Fisicaro
Micheal Gibbard
Micheal Gibbard
Micheal Knight
Micheal Kusznir
Micheal Loche
Micheal Melville
Micheal Rainczuk
Micheal Reardon
Micheal Solima
Micheal Zacharias
Micheal Zavros
Michelle Sugar Gum
Mick Derrick
Mick Lamotte
Mickey Mcpherson
Mike Schilling
Mike Shaw
Mirgen Nazemclari
Mirko Dsermainovic
Mitch Peterson
Mitch Sayers
Mitchell Koglman
Mohammad Ali
Mola Defa
Morgan Danckert
Morgan Smith
Murphy Mckenna
Murray Burt
Naivote Seru
Nano Dos Reis
Natasha Plantanura
Nathan Browne
Nathan Callagher
Nathan Clarkson
Nathan Denhert
Nathan Hiscoke
Nathan Mclean
Nathan Treloar
Navote Seru
Neil Bennett
Neil Coster
Neil D Angelo
Neville Whiley
Neville Yanni
Ngan Vo
Nhi Truong
Nicholas Dimopolous
Nicholas Raso
Nicholas Ring
Nick Bonello
Nick Harding
Nick Morihovitis
Nicole Dawson
Nicole Morris
Norm Gryszam
Norm Robbie
Oneva Sasulu
Otavia Mercica
Owen Hallas
Pasquale Bentivogio
Pasquale Carbone
Pasquale Cincotta
Pasqualie Carbone
Pat Combini
Paul Arnold
Paul Ellul
Paul Granvillani
Paul Mifsud
Paul Solomon
Paul Tibitala
Paul Tiliaveridis
Paul Trianafilou
Paula Tsangaris
Pete Mclaughlin
Peter Albanis
Peter Dirago
Peter Larman
Peter Mayne
Peter Mclaughlin
Peter Montagnese
Peter Moran
Peter Popovski
Peter Sheppard
Peter Shingsby
Peter Walfare
Peter Waters
Peter Williams
Phil Bonnici
Phil Kerton
Phill Dimitrou
Phill Mckenzie
Phillip Blyth
Phillip Russo
Philomena Tuitoga
Photos Augusti
Pierre Cordovana
Prahda Pan
Quaid Cook
Quang Truong
Queenie Tuavao
Racheal Ashton
Rachel Scholes
Raelene Beckett
Raif Soforler
Ramise Felise
Raul Lopes Viera
Ray Brooke
Ray Farrugia
Ray Makenzie
Ray Mowbray
Raymond Hayden
Rebecca Armanasco
Rebecca Davis
Reece Hamilton
Renato Trentin
Rhys Gallea
Rhys Parkhill
Richard Odonnell
Richard Tay
Ricki Pereira
Ricky Bariola
Riki Morgan
Rita Mifsud
Rob Attard
Rob Bushell
Rob Lawson
Rob Murgoski
Rob Nicovski
Robert Caliste
Robert Corall
Robert Cvijeticanin
Robert Denami
Robert Di Pasquale
Robyn Martin
Rocco Amuso
Rocky Giannetta
Rod East
Rodney Dowling
Rodney Mitchell
Rodney Nowell
Rodney Smith
Rodney Stevenson
Roger Devito
Romeo Refalo
Ronald Arcaya
Rory dellios
Rosemary Fusca
Ross Mcleughlin
Roxiee Kereopa
Rudy Fleischman
Russell Rowe
Russell Taylor
Ryan Blyth
Ryan Hammond
Ryan Mclaughlin
Sajjid Ismack
Sal Sabri
Salvatore Difrancesco
Salvatore Pinto
Salvo Morelli
Sam Ayton
Sam Calidonna
Sam Fisher
Sam Guzzardi
Sam Phan
Sam Sgouropoulos
Sam Storer
Sam Ton
Samantha Lewis
Samantha Melia
Samantha Morris
Samantha Psalia
Sara El Buhisi
Sarah Addis
Sarah Cooper
Sarah Mann
Sarah Massouris
Sarah Meldrum
Sarah Smith
Sarah-Jane Cooper
Saye Paye
Scott Hague
Scott Roderick
Sean Bentley
Sean Howard
Seb Tullio
Seia Leota
Semisi Holoia
Shane Addams
Shane Boyle
Shane Crosbie
Shane Garth
Shane Johnston
Shangy Shrestha
Shannon Harrington
Shannon Pohipi
Sharon Hatzistaurou
Shaun Harrison
Shaun Mcpherson
Shawn Day
Shawnie Lucas
Shayne Willems
Shazz Warren
Shirley Plaizier
Shu Haw Ooi
Simon Beborfold
Simone Coleman
Sinan Polas
Sinisa Jokanovic
Sophia Dimitrou
Sovryn Duff
Spike Green
Stan Ko
Stanton Thomson
Stavros Nathanail
Stephan Dimopoulos
Stephanie Sheppard
Stephen Harwood
Stevche Juracovski
Steve Bitsaya
Steve Borg
Steve Deakes
Steve Gacovski
Steve Hantiskomstanis
Steve Kelb
Steve Mavrias
Steve Wiffen
Steven Bitsaya
Steven Keen
Steven Lutze
Steven Papidikis
Steven Quach
Steven Rajek
Steven Schoen
Steven Wiffen
Steven Wills
Steven Zecevic
Stuart McCullogh
Sue Telford
Suhil Mikha
Suzie Cincotta
Sven Balding
T Enoka
Tane Ilievski
Tania King
Tarun Purohit
Tasha Tschamy
Taylah La Serra
Taylah Otten
Terry Griffiths
Thanh Tran
Theo Bantis
Theo Tsarpalas
Theodore Koumis
Thomas Roberts
Thomas Youkhanis
Tim East
Tim Obrien
Tim Smith
Tira Akatapuria
Tom Corigion
Tommy Rustic
Tony Begovic
Tony Bundy
Tony Camareri
Tony Elhajj
Tony Ferlazzo
Tony La Serra
Tony Mcrae
Tony Nirta
Tony Zeleravov
Tracey Hamilton
Tracy Boyd
Travis Hoppner
Trevor Pakala
Trevor Price
Tristian Zerafa
Troy Chapman
Troy Lovett
Troy Taylor
Tui Hunt
Vanphuc Huynh
Vassilios Kurubilis
Vic Langsam
Vicki Beck
Vicky Apelu
Victor Youseff
Vieanna Wilson
Vikki Marsh
Viktor Penano
Vince Ferella
Vince Malpasso
Wally Rizzo
Warren Burns
Warren Pearce
Wayne Melville
Wei Yu
Wendy Cooper
Wendy Ithier
William Sung
William Tsekouras
Yvonne Arnaud
Yvonne Edmonds
Zac Jonuzi
Zena Marsters
Zlate Lazarevski
Zohar Khoshab
Zoran Delovski