Silkroad Online

Silkroad Online Server Status

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Rank | Server | Votes |
26 | Anonymous-SRORace Chinese and Europe - Old School - Cap 100 - Degree:10 - New Maps and New Uniques - Mastery: 300 - Experience: x55 - Free Silk per hour - about 10 AutoEvents - Quest Daily New Effect and New Design | 1 |
27 | Source-Road110 Cap 100x EXP 150x Party EXP PLAY2WIN Alchemy 3x 2 SILKHOUR Vote4Silk Active Staff | 0 |
28 | Revolution SilkroadNEW SILKROAD SERVER [99,90 uptime] [No lag] [ No Donation - FRIENDLY GM] [exp: 2500x - gold: 2500x - skill 2500x ] [ Premium items in shop] Join Now | 0 |
29 | eventsro Onlineeventsro cap 100 - Mastercap : 100 - Degree: 10 - Low rate - Vote 4 silk - old school - silk per hour | 0 |
30 | Revolution Network Silkroad[Cap90]- Cap 90- Chinese/Europe- Mastery 360- New Skills PC limit 3- Plus limit 12 -Exp rate Mid- JOB based- Daily gift for login everyday- CTF- New quests- Much more to be discovered | 0 |
31 | Warriors Way Online Cap90-EuCh-Non BotThe game Warriors Way Online is a Bulgarian long term,non bot,low rate classic international serverWe provide the game in two languages:Bulgarian and English clientServer Tangra is open since 20 12 2016We started with 90lv cap,old school,quest based server with old job systemJoin our community | 0 |
32 | CrackSroCrackSro cap 140 - Degree 16 | 0 |
33 | New Age SRO - New ServerNew Age SRO Patch 1188v, Rates: Exp 150x, Party Exp 160x, Gold Drop 15x, Drop 200x, Job EXP 50x, Trade Prices: 5x, Level Cap is 110, No Lagg, New events, Active Team, Join now on New Age SRO | 0 |
34 | Evolution-SroWelcome To Evolution Sro Dg14 Cap 130 New Skill /New System / Auto event / New Area | 0 |
35 | ClashSRO Online- Free 2 Play - Play 2 Win - Free Silk - New Uniques - New Areas - Vote System - New Special Trade Reward System - 24/7: [GM]Events - [EM]Events - Auto Events System Cap: 130 Skills: 130 Skill Mastery EU:226 / CH:390 Degree: 14 MAX Plus: +16 No ADV / +20 ADV Alchemy Rate: 3x PC Limit: 3 Experie | 0 |
36 | Silkroad Europe Cap 125Arabia UpdateHigh rate Silkroad server with unique reborn system, item forge, unique skill system, unique character context menu, daily events, friendly GMs and much more Free Silk, Free Items Online 24/7 EXP 150x SP 150x Party EXP 160x Drop 200x Gold 15x Berserk 10x Giant Spawn 7,5x General Move Speed 2,2x | 0 |
37 | PureSRO D14PureSRO High rate 130 cap Silkroad server with unique system, Weapons new Look, unique skill system, unique Auto events, daily events, friendly GMs and much more Join us now [Free Silk][Free Items][Online 24/7][Dedicated Root][EXP 150x][SP 150x][Party EXP 160x]Drop 200x][Gold 15x][Berserk 10x] | 0 |
38 | KapaSroCap:120 Degre:13 Skill:120Server files VSRORace: EUCHExp: 20xDrop Arena Coin Mobs 108-109 DDoS Protected: Yes With Out Lag Kapa Dg13 Sun Exp Rate:x10Droprate x1 Alchemy:x15 IP Limit:4 PLUS Limit:16 Gold drop:x10 Coin system | 0 |
39 | [: ISRO :] INCREDIBLE SRO80,000 Players Since 2010 Maximum Perfection No Bots No Lagg Vote4Silk 130 CAP 13D OLD JOB SYSTEM ARABIA UPDATE 2-3B Gold per Trade Skill Reset Stat Point Reset MAX +20 Upgrade any Weapon to the next higher Degree JOIN NOW | 0 |
40 | FunnRoadFunnRoad SRO system with 140 cap ,16 Degree item , New Skill system ,Our server will give you a new uniqueSRO experience that youve never had before, due to our brand new unique system | 0 |
42 | [ SROMANIA ] a SRO-R Private ServerA quest based server, that allows you to actually enjoy Silkroad instead of boting :D You wont regret giving us a try, I promise | 0 |
43 | 1337 GUILDSRO Tutorials - Screenshots - 1337 Guild | 0 |
44 | PSS - levelling for goldWe offer power levelling for in-game gold we are a one of a kind site We are recruiting power levelers We will provide you with many many customers so you make loads of gold | 0 |
45 | Slikroad-infoeusilkroad info amp fan page | 0 |
46 | SiLKR0AD-0WNER [v2]SiLKR0AD-0WNER are Back We are a nice Silkroad Server Crew without Laggs or something Join fast Exp : 200x Gold : 250x | 0 |
47 | SRO Gold PowerlevelingAnything About SRO Also In This Site | 0 |
48 | Husky GamingSilkroad Free BOTS Community | 0 |
49 | SilkSun -gt3 Private ServersAll-gt2x / max lvl 100 / skill | 0 |
50 | :: FAST UNION ::: FAST UNION : SRO Pacific - An Alliance of Active English-Speaking Guilds Helpful Members | 0 |
Silkroad Online Mobile
Zircon Online Cap 110 CH-EU Mastery 330/220 Balanced,Mid Rates Exp 20x, Party Exp 25x, Item 3x, Gold Rate 3x, FGW Rate 1x,Battle Arena, CTF, Job System, Job Temple, Survival, ISRO system with less edits,Auto Event, Play to win, Join now. BDXOXR says WTT 50B +20 Arena Coins for 1K silk / wtb heavy armor set +13-14 100% / LA set +13-14 100% just now; Ryujoy says WTS / WTB Set Robe +5+7 80% just now; UrNightMare says 20036 Snake angel just now; DoriToz says WTS Best offer Win / WTS Spear Dg 14 Style + red Effect or WTT for Bow + Silk just now; NULA says Evo hiding behind trees cus they are afraid to make trade
Silkroad Online Private Servers
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