Roulette Flash Game

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Flash Roulette Game play online for free, choose how much you want to bet, choose the number you want to bet on then spin the flash roulette wheel. Flash Roulette can be played anytime for free. You play our flash roulette game by choosing your bet amount and place your chips on the betting table. Click the roulette wheel to spin the roulette wheel. Flash Roulette The roulette wheel spins then slows down and the ball falls into a slot, see if you will win. You can play flash roulette game online anytime in the MegaFunGames casino. Play our flash roulette game at the MegaFunGames fun, free games arcade.
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Welcome to our Roulette Flash Games section. In this section you can play any Roulette games we are able to find online, all within this website. No need to go to another website, register an account etc. Right now we have the American Roulette Flash Game for you and it’s 100% free. Free flash roulette games also allow you to try out different strategies so you know what works for you. Also, go through our guides to learn more about the game of roulette and its different variations. We also have tips on individual roulette games to help you win big! More Roulette Guides: Roulette Explained; Odds in Roulette; Roulette for. Playing instant play roulette via a web browser, however, you will often be playing a Flash version directly over the net. That could mean a drop in quality of the online casino roulette no download graphics or gameplay.

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Roulette is a casino and gambling game named after the French word meaning 'small wheel'. In the game, players may choose to place bets on a number, a range of numbers, the color red or black, or whether the number is odd or even. o determine the winning number and color, a croupier spins a wheel in one direction, and then spins a ball in the opposite direction around a tilted circular track running around the circumference of the wheel.

he ball eventually loses momentum and falls on to the wheel and into one of 37 (in European roulette) or 38 (in American roulette) colored and numbered pockets on the wheel.

The pockets of the roulette wheel are numbered from 1 to 36, alternating between red and black. There is a green pocket numbered 0. In American roulette, there is a second green pocket marked 00.

Roulette casino
Players can place a variety of 'inside' bets (selecting the number of the pocket the ball will land in, or range of pockets based on their position), and 'outside' bets (including bets on various positional groupings of pockets, pocket colors, or whether it is odd or even). The payout odds for each type of bet are based on its probability.

he table usually imposes minimum and maximum bets, and these rules usually apply separately for all of a player's 'inside' and 'outside' bets for each spin. For 'inside' bets at roulette tables, some casinos may use separate table chips of various colors to distinguish players at the table. Players can continue to place bets until the dealer announces 'No more bets.'(Know more on roulette bets at roulette bet tactics)

If you want to become an expert in roulette game check out roulette house average and roulette rule variations.

difference between roulette
One difference between roulette and all other table games is that roulette chips have no value denomination printed on them. This actually is the true definition of a chip, one which indicates its value is technically called a check. The roulette table comes with six to eight sets of different colored chips, each set consisting of 300 chips. When a player buys-in they get their own color and the value would be the buy-in divided by the number of chips received. The dealer will place a token on top of the dealer's stack of that color of chips to indicate the value.

Roulette Bet Tactics

They are based on the way in which certain numbers lie next to each other on the roulette wheel. Not all casinos offer these bets, and some may offer additional bets or variations on these.

Voisins du Zero ('Neighbors of Zero')
This is a name for the numbers which lie between 22 and 25 on the wheel including 22 and 25 themselves. The series is 22,18,29,7,28,12,35,3,26,0,32,15,19,4,21,2,25 (on a single zero wheel).9 chips or multiples thereof are bet. 2 chips are placed on the 0,2,3 trio; 1 on the 4/7 split; 1 on 12/15; 1 on 18/21; 1 on 19/22; 2 on 25/26/28/29 corner; and 1 on 32/35.

Tiers ('The third')
This is the name for the numbers which lie on the opposite side of the wheel between 27 and 33 including 27 and 33 themselves. The series is 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33 (on a single zero wheel). 6 chips or multiples thereof are bet. 1 chip is placed on each of the following splits: 5/8; 10/11; 13/16; 23/24; 27/30; 33/36.

Variant known as 'Tier 5, 8, 10, 11' has an additional chip placed straight up on 5, 8, 10 and 11; and so is a 10-piece bet. This is also called the 'Small Series' It includes the following wagers which are all Splits 5/8, 10/11, 13/16, 23/24, 27/30, 33/36.

Orphelins ('Orphans')
These numbers make up the two slices of the wheel outside the Tiers and Voisins. They contain a total of eight numbers, the Orphans comprising 17, 34, 6 and the Orphelins being 1, 20, 14, 31, and 9. 5 chips or multiples thereof are bet. 1 chip is placed straight-up on 1 and 1 chip on each of the splits: 6/9; 14/17; 17/20 and 31/34.

'Xx and the Neighbors'
A number may be backed along with the 2 numbers on either side of it in a 5 piece bet. For example, '0 and the Neighbors' is a 5 piece bet with 1 piece straight-up on 3, 26, 0, 32 and 15. Neighbor’s bets are often put on in combinations, for example '1, 9, 14 and the neighbors' is a 15 piece bet covering 18, 22, 33, 16 with 1 piece; 9, 31, 20, 1 with 2 pieces and 14 with 3 pieces.

Russian Roulette Flash Game Shows

Any of the above bets may be combined, eg 'Orphelins by 1 and Zero and the Neighbors by 1.' The '...and the Neighbors.' is often assumed by the Croupier.

Betting only on red
One conceivable Roulette strategy would be to bet on the ball landing in a red space for a certain number of spins, for example, 38. There are 18 red spaces on a roulette table with 38 total spaces. Dividing 18 by 38 yields a probability of landing on red of 47.37%.

his probability can be used in a binomial distribution and made into an approximate standard normal distribution.

Doing so indicates that, if one were to spin the wheel 38 times, there is a 99% probability that the ball would land on red at least 10 times. There is an 83% probability that in 38 spins; the ball will land on red at least 15 times. Out of 38 spins, there's a 50% chance that 18 will be red.

However, the break-even point is 19 spins, since the bet on red is 1:1, and the probability of 19 red spins in 38 is only 37%. This indicates the difficulty of winning by only betting on red.


The results occur because, as indicated by the 18 divided by 38 equals 47.37% figure, the ball will land on red less than half the time. This percentage applied in the binomial and standard normal distributions creates the vast divide in probability from 18 red spins to 19 red spins out of 38 spins. It is very unlikely for anyone to spin much more than 18 red spins out of 38 spins.

Betting multiple times
This type of bet is a combination of the red bet and the martingale system. The difference is that this bet also includes the odd. This strategy starts off with a bet of 1 on each the red and the odd (or you can do the black and even). Each bet is treated separately. When one bet loses, it is doubled. When one bet wins, it gets set back to 1.

Roulette Flash Game

The reason that this technique keeps the player in the game so long is that there is almost a 25% chance of winning both the red and the odd and there is almost a 50% chance of breaking even (win one bet and lose the other). In reality, this method backfires when the player can't get any longer and loses.

Free Flash Roulette

The loss that this causes is possibly hundreds of times bigger than a loss made when starting. Also, in the long run, because the house still has an edge, the player will lose money just like with all other 'unbeatable' casino gambling games.

Labouchere System
The Labouchere System is progression betting tactic like the Martingale but does not require the gambler to risk his stake as quickly with dramatic double ups. The Labouchere System involves using a series of numbers in a line to determine the bet amount, following a win or a loss. Typically, the player adds the numbers at the front and end of the line to determine the size of the next bet.

When he wins, he crosses out the outside numbers and continues working on the smaller line. If he loses, then he adds his previous bet to the end of the line and continues to work on the longer line. This is a much more flexible progression of online casino betting system and there is much room for the player to design his initial line to his own playing preference.

Using the dozen bet
There are two versions to this system, single dozen bets and double dozen bets. In the single dozen bet version, the player uses a progressively incrementing stake list starting from the casino table minimum, to the table maximum. The aim here is to use a single dozen bet to win before the stake list ends.

Many techniques are employed such as: betting on the same dozen to appear after two consecutive appearances, betting on the dozen that has appeared most in the last 15, 9, or 5 spins, betting on the dozen that, after a long absence of 7 or more spins, appears for the first time. The double dozen bet version uses two dozen bets and half the stake list size of the single dozen bet version.

Eminent Roulette Bets

  1. In 1873, the Englishman Joseph Jaggers made the first famous roulette biased wheel attack. Mr. Jaggers with a team of six clerks clocked all the wheels at the Monte Carlo casino and found one wheel to show significant bias. In their attack exploiting this flaw they won over $325,000, an astronomical sum in 1873.
  2. In the summer of 1891 at the Monte Carlo casino, a part-time swindler and petty crook from London named Charles Wells broke the bank at each table he played over a period of several days. Breaking the bank meant he won all the available money in the table bank that day, and a black cloth would be placed over the table until the bank was replenished. In song and life he was celebrated as 'The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo.' He later admitted that it was all luck, and he eventually ended up in jail for many years because of his fraudulent schemes.
  3. In 2004, Ashley Revell of London sold all of his possessions; clothing included, and brought US$135,300 to the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas and put it all on 'Red' at the roulette table in a double-or-nothing bet. The ball landed on 'Red 7' and Revell walked away with his net-worth doubled to $270,600.
  4. In the 1942 film Casablanca, Rick's Café Americain has a trick roulette wheel. The croupier can cause it to land on 22 at will. Rick (Humphrey Bogart) urges a Czech refugee with whose case he becomes sympathetic to put his last three chips on 22 and motions to the croupier to let him win. After the man's number dramatically comes up, Rick tells him to let it all ride on 22 and lets him win again. Although the details are not mentioned in the film (the croupier only notes that they are 'a couple of thousand' down), it appears that Rick has given the man 3885 ((3*36*36)-3) francs.
  5. In the music video for 'Palace & Main' by Kent, guitarist Harri Mänty goes to Las Vegas and bets the entire video budget on black. He wins, and the profits were donated to charity.
  6. In the third part of the 1998 film Run, Lola, Run, Lola uses all her money to buy a 100-mark chip. (She is actually just short of 100 marks, but gains the sympathy of a casino employee who gives her the chip for what money she has.) She bets her single chip on 20 and wins. She lets her winnings ride on 20 and wins again; making her total winnings 129,600 marks (29,600 more than her smuggler boyfriend owed his boss, Ronnie). The odds of two consecutive wins on the same number on a European roulette wheel are exactly 1368-to-1 against.
  7. In the South Park episode 'Red Man's Greed', the town, facing destruction at the hands of Native Americans, bets $10,000 to raise money to save the town. They win, but let it ride, and lose all of it.
  8. Near the beginning of the 1973 film The Sting, Johnny Hooker (Robert Redford) takes his share of the money conned from a numbers runner and loses nearly all of it on a single bet against a rigged roulette wheel.